Tuesday, November 13, 2018

La imagen puede contener: una o varias personas y personas bailando

In this Photo, you can see a strong relationship kids have between them, being and feeling very comfortable with each other. They all are having a good time sharing a moment in which they can express themselves with care, respect and support from each member of the group they are in. From my point of view, by the fact they are little kids and they don't really understand their different likes or don't have a strong, independent and firm point or way of thinking, you can't see a separation between them as a group; what you see is how they are united and form a whole single group not taking into account the different cultures, identities, type of people, color, or even gender they are with. :)

1 comment:

  1. As you mentioned, kids are more likely to be open for any kind of difference. For example, usually when a new kid comes to their grade, the new kid is accepted wholeheartedly even though he might come from a different country or culture. This is one of the positive aspects that is shown by little kids, but it is lost as people get older. To prevent this from happening, the school is working hard to encourage this way of thinking, and this is also one of the reasons behind the Anti-Bullying Week Event.
