Grupo Fenix organization does not follow a traditional NGO model, because they consider themselves like a social enterprise. This means that they don't rely on donations and grants, they are almost completely financially sustainable; they occasionally and especially for large projects such as new buildings they do recieve grants and donations. Grupo Fenix's vision is to improve the quality of life of rural families and communities in the region. They are located in Sabana Grande, Totogalpa, NIC-15, Cerro Grande.
This NGO makes activities like:
- Ecological dry latrines
- Nano-loans
- Acesol
- Ceiba de oro
- Bici-futuro
The program is divided into two categories:
- Community Development Volunteers and Volunteer Advisers: They will work directly in an area of community development identified by the community itself. The purpose of these positions is to fill a skill gap in our organization and to increase our skill level accordingly.
- Researches: This program is aimed primarily at students, both undergraduate and graduate, and faculty who wish to find a supportive ecosystem.
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