For starters, socialization is a learning process, a process that involves development or changes in the individual’s sense of self, it teaches us social order, it is about gathering and implying , understanding and exchanging values, culture, norms, knowledge and even attitude, connecting with others around you, with groups such as friends, partners and of course your family.
Theres is indeed many ways one practices socialization, many places where we do so. School is one of the places where socialization is involved and where we practice it, socially interacting with other individuals, with classmates who can become really great friends, people you create meaningful bonds and significant memories with, despite many differences one can find with other classmates there is always a important priority and level of respect, atleast that is the case for me, i can find myself being the clown of the class but a clown that many respect i guess, never the less i seem to learn something every day especially with the group that i have been brought to which i believe is a very special group.
Another we can enter socialization, and a way i practice it is through my religion, in my religion i require to go to church every sunday and thursday if i can on special occasions. In chcurhc is where most of the socialization happens, there is always a time where we greet each other offering the peace to one another, a time and place where we all gather in what is considered the mystical and spiritual habitat and body of christ as united community with the same or equal faith, anyone or everyone can and does volunteeer to help, gathering alms, reading the word of God, all in every way interacting and sharing with one another something important, peace, knowledge, goodness.

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