By Anonymous / Posted on January 24, 2019 /
1 comment

The leadership skill is something that we can all develop. Some people let say it like born with that skill and for them is something that come out more naturally. Being a follower is not bad because first of all in my personal opinion its where you start developing this skill, is where you learn from others that will help you by giving you advice and also by analyzing how you can start putting in practice your leadership. It is importan to inspire leadership and motivate others to do so, by inspiring leadership in school you are also inspiring students to help others by being solidarity person. Also encouraging leadership students and also professors could help school by having a vision that will benefit the school.
I agree with you on how leadership IS in fact something we can all develop, since it is already present in all of us; it simply depends on how well we develop it. Leaders were once followers, but they learned, they focused and set their eyes straight to their goal, until they achieved it. We can ALL be leaders if we choose to do so, because in the end, leaders are not born, they are made.