
My strength
My strength is correct because the one of some questions said that I never tell lies, so that's because I'm an honest person. Most of the time I get in conversations because I like to talk with people, not all the people, stranger and some like that type of persons, I don't like to talk or stay in a place, I prefer to leave at stay with a stranger. I talk with people that I know who she is, the point of knowing who she is, it get me trust to the person. when I don't trust her I can't speak to much with she. The other point that I like and like the time doing this is to thinking about whatever, I like to stay thinking and researching the curious topic that I have in mind, the other way who likes me to know things is asking and talking to persons. One example of this is talking with my teachers, parents, uncles, brothers, some people who gets more experiences about life. I like this. The other point that I really like is to reflect by my own. The reflection is one of the most important things, because the problems, the personal problems only with the reflection we get the best way to choose. Persons who are very reflective are the best humans ever, because the reflection not only shows the best thing to do, it shows how is the real problem that you are now. The reflection help us to understand the life, to understand on what way we are, so I think that is very important to are an reflective person.
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