Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How culture drives behavior?
Culture drive behavior because as he said in the video when you travel to another country, for example, you live in Europe like he and then you travel to a country like Nicaragua, the people in Europe  did not talk with each other, they are not social if they don’t know you, but in a country like Nicaragua or even in Latinoamérica we are social people if we don’t know each other and they stay by me we constantly talk with each other, for that reason I’m sure that the culture drives totally our behavior, another example is when you travel to the EEUU and you drop off they did not help you, they only see you and that it, and in Latinoamérica, almost all the Latin people help, and that is a really big difference !

How has culture influenced your behavior?
Culture really influence our behavior, like he said conform is not a good way to do it because be conformist is not something that you have to apply in love, because even if you are Latin, American or even another nationalist you always will need something of other people that you do not even know, and be conformist is only be you and think that all you do is good but instead you think that you are really wrong, because you are not always good, also complain is not a good way to be, because is you complain about you or about yourself and is not good because you live in a bubble  as he said that is not helpful and healthy,  and Also if you adapt the way to be, is really helpfully because is really good been a person that can adapt her/his self to other cultures and that’s really good to be, for example, if  you are multicultural you can live your life good and not complains about nothing!


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