Wednesday, November 14, 2018

One of the questions that is still discussed between many sociologist and people is: Are we free within society? There have been many debates about this question, but the answer to this very question is indeed we do not know. What do I mean with we do not know? well, this philosophy centers around the idea that in some aspects we have freedom, while in others, society limits our decisions. Like mentioned before, there are some actions in our lives that do not have to be changed to fit into society, and in them, a part of our freedom is shown. 
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One example of this is the decision made by highschoolers regarding the place where they are going to study and what they are going to study. There are many different roads that highschoolers can take to decide what to do for their future. Of course, some roads might be harder to walk on, but they have the ability to decide their field of study or if they are going to start working immediately. 
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Another example in which our freedom can be seen is when people can express their own opinions without being severely judged by others. Our society focuses on allowing freedom of speech, so when people talk about ideas that might offend others (for example, being against gay marriage) they have a right to not be censored. However, in a way, society also limits freedom of speech, as there are many topics that are considered malicious, taboo, etc., these topics are usually restricted (an example would be praising the Axis Party).
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Finally, we have an important aspect that always influences freedom, and it is called "money". Usually, people with more money, have more freedom as they can use as much money as they would like. However, because of this idea that more money, means more freedom, some refer to this as society limiting us. They believe that society prevents middle and lower class people from enjoying freedom, as they do not have as much leisure as rich people.

The topic related to Are we free within society? is one of the topics that will continue to affect our perspectives of life, and no matter how much time passes it will still be debated. Nonetheless, everybody has a freedom to a certain degree, but it is sometimes restricted by how our society works and its believes.


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