Wednesday, November 14, 2018

From very long time women have been treated as a minority, suffering different types of demigrations because everyone besides women believed that they should not study or have jobs just focus on housekeeping and teach their children manners, but then it started to change, women revealed against the ones that said that they were useless and made a difference, little by little but a change was made, and thanks to that now in days on most of the countries of the world woman has the same rights as men, even if it sometimes is said that they do not have the same rights as men in some countries, they're still people fighting to stop that fallacy and someday all the women are going to have equal rights as men all around the world, as an example I want to mention Malala Yousafzai which is an activist, blogger and University student from Pakistan which is most recognized by defending the civil rights, mainly women rights from a region of her country in which the Taliban regime prohibited girls to go to school, but she started to defend their rights to learn as boys do.

When we're talking about countries with high-income and others with low-income I usually don't consider that the income of one person or other will make a change about if they have freedom or not, for me freedom has a unique meaning for each individual,everyone has their own meaning to what they consider as freedom, for example for me freedom means to be happy, even if I have a lot of work or I'm with economic problems if I'm happy I consider that freedom because for me when I have happiness and I can smile at something I know I can keep going and that I can do everything to my own rhythm, so I consider that freedom because I make my decisions and that makes me happy but for others could mean not having economic problems, be an independent person, travel around the world worrying about anything, in short in my opinion they income of a country or other doesn't give one or another more or less freedom, everything depends on the perspective of each person/individual. As an example, I can say that my perspective of freedom is happiness but for my brother could live as an independent person.

As I said before the definition of freedom depends on the perspective of each individual and the perspective of each individual is shaped by the sociological aspects, so in a way, the perspective they have of freedom and sociology is connected but not in a direct way, but still as I said before the perspective someone haves of freedom depends on them, freedom cannot be generalized.


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