Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Resultado de imagen para societyImagen relacionada
Resultado de imagen para society women and man before

First, we need to know what is society and freedom, Society is the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community and freedom is the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. We as human, we got the right to choose what we want but also we also have our limits. If we want to survive in society, we should get comfortable and respect the rules of the decisions. Like I said we are humans, we got the rights, all women and man has the right nowadays. Before males get more freedom compared to women, males were more capable doing various tasks and they had more options for working, and women they were more in to being at home and take care of their children. Nowadays, society has changed, now both have rights, women can work just like the man and dress like they want. There are some things that society doesn’t accept, like the homosexuality, there are countries where they don’t approve it, and people fight and fight because they want it, but they also need to respect the decision. Another topic is abortion, women have the right what they want, but there are countries that they prohibited, but women fight to have it legal. Finally, society has the right to respect our culture, and we also have to respect their rule.  If we are from a different country and culture, and you come to a different country with different tradition and culture, the society where you are going to stay, they should respect your traditions and culture, also that people should respect the society that they are. 


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