Wednesday, November 14, 2018

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Are we free within society?
We are not exactly free into our current society neither back in time, there are lot of reasons which do not allow us to be completely free, that is the case of, fashion trends, religious belief and moral aspects, even though nowadays we have more freedom than before, society pus some limits according to the culture you belong.
For example  years ago, women were considered as a marriage symbol and they did not have rights and were belittled, in most of the places around the world, this culture have changed, now women have more freedom and have a voice. According to the research from El Instituto de Georgetown  para la mujer, la paz y la seguridad, Iceland is the to 10 place where women have the right to decide by themselves and be respected, in the other hand they show Afghanistan as the worst place to women.
Another example would be fashion trends, were people do not dress in the way they would like to do it, they are forced to dress in the way other people expected them to dress, so, they are no free to be what they really are.
Into the religious aspect we can see that some groups are not allowed to do some sort of activities, for example pornographics films are considered by religious institutions as an obscene and and dirty act, but from and scientific point of view watch this sort of film have some advantages that involve your health, they increase the satisfaction hormon and diminish stress levels.
In conclusion freedom is relative for everyone into society depending on the culture you belong to.


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