Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Are We Free within Society?

Image result for Feminist Protest

 Society, as we know it today, is a result of all conflicts or mixtures that our predecessors have lived. A complex topic that has always been in dispute in the women rights; women have always been an important part in cultures in a way to reproduce and make offsprings for the man, but in modern days, women have won quite the same amount of rights as men. All of these years of the fight for the same amount of rights have made the woman more independent our modern era, so they can be happy with society and themselves.   

This is Quebec government's advertisement saying that men and women have the same rights:
Image result for countries gdp
 A Country´s income rate does and does not define the freedom of people living in it. Countries around the world have different income rates, and some countries have become mega-countries in a few years not because of having more rights, countries became big thanks to exploitation that poor people got. Countries like China have one of the highest gdp, but that doesn't mean in the factories they receive full rights.

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 Having knowledge is a weapon with a double blade. When you know about rights or how freedom its supposed to be given to citizens of a certain country, you actually are a person that cannot change a thing; the knowledge that you have can show you how laws are badly applied, or how someone is blocking your freedom. When some does not know about the rights they deserve they just live the way they have been doing during their lived life, but if any person with knowledge tries o apply it, a government would simply not accept the thought of one.


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