Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Hard working students, pushed by the harsh social structure ofthe school need a chance to recreate. Humans need time to socialize and lay off work for a while, we can't go on without socializing, sharing ideas, etc. The schools knows this and so provides a  time to recreate, lunch. In this picture we can see a couple students playing some good old football. Always keeping it respectful to everyone and making recreation, a joy to everyone.


  1. INDEED, having a chance to spend some social quality time with your peers and/or friends after a certain amount of work is beneficial for the students to see how they get along more with each other and the rest of the school aswell, building more social structures and knowledge about other people at school that you dont know about, create a nice bond and later share and or exchange ideas adn perspective, having more people in your life/ list of friends who you can laer on discuss various perspective, what better way to make new bonds like playing some good old sports ( football in this case ) with respect and enjoying the time it is spent and the game, joycan be considered as an important factor in bonidng and socializing.

  2. Taking recreation a very important time for us to consider, your point of view is very accurate. It is a way in which people can express themselves, and socialize with others. They can get along with others and this significant time can even improve the performance of the student or worker.

  3. Exactly. As you said, a lot of students are oppressed by social structure of the school these days. So, it is necessary to give them time to escape from this harsh social structure for a while, and socialize with others. Therefore, I totally agree with your perspective.
