Bureaucracy Skit
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Sunday, January 27, 2019
By Anonymous / Posted on January 27, 2019 / No comments
Leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization. Leadership inspire people, influence people toward the achievement of common goals. Leaders are made through time, no one borns being a leader, they learn the abilities through time. Leaders motivate followers to believe in something much greater than their own existence Followers are people who are attracted to the purpose and vision of leader and they help leaders to achieve his or her objective. There always going to be a leader and a follower, in school, in the jobs in the house. There is always a leader. 

By Anonymous / Posted on January 27, 2019 / 1 comment

Whether at school, on your job or even at home leadership is a skill needed in your life, don't be ashamed or afraid about leading others to your path. Leadership is not somethin that you are born with. We all have to learn it sometime, everycone can learn how to be a leader, and that is by being a follower, there is nothing wrong with being a follower but one day you will have to take the charge of a leader, do not doubt yourself. Great leaders have been formed due to difficult situations. And how can you start ? At school, look around your class any proyect in class that you are excited about and have many ideas to make it work.
Friday, January 25, 2019
By Anonymous / Posted on January 25, 2019 / No comments
By Anonymous / Posted on January 25, 2019 / No comments
Leadership at school
By Taeyeong Kim
By Taeyeong Kim
In any group of people, there might be a leader who leads or commands the other members. Leadership is one of the skills that those leaders require, and can be performed in various organizations. School is one of the organizations in which the students can develop or practice their leaderships. For instance, by being part of the student government, they will learn how to make a plan for better organization, gather different opinions from students of different cultures and ages, etc. These kind of experiences may help students to use their leadership skills in various situations.
In a group, there would be not only the leaders, but also their followers. The role of followers are as important as the leaders’ role. They should do their best for the tasks given for the group, cooperate with all of the members including the leader, and also learn the leadership behaviours from their leader.
By Taeyeong Kim
Thursday, January 24, 2019
By Anonymous / Posted on January 24, 2019 / No comments
A leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal.

Being a follower isn’t bad, a followership is the ability or willingness to follow a leader.
By following a leader, you can have the opportunity to know how it is to be a leader and
how the work by a leader is done, by this you can learn how to be a leader in a future. So,
if you want to be a good follower and later turn into a good leader, you have to be supportive,
cooperative, pay attention and make the effort.
It captures the essentials of being able to inspire others and being prepared to do so, the leader
is the inspiration and director of the action. A good leader shape our nation, communities, and
organizations. We need good leaders to guide us and make essential large-scale decisions. A
good leader need to be confidence, have an ability to inspire, communication, a sense of humor,
creativity, and a positive attitude.
is the inspiration and director of the action. A good leader shape our nation, communities, and
organizations. We need good leaders to guide us and make essential large-scale decisions. A
good leader need to be confidence, have an ability to inspire, communication, a sense of humor,
creativity, and a positive attitude.

Being a follower isn’t bad, a followership is the ability or willingness to follow a leader.
By following a leader, you can have the opportunity to know how it is to be a leader and
how the work by a leader is done, by this you can learn how to be a leader in a future. So,
if you want to be a good follower and later turn into a good leader, you have to be supportive,
cooperative, pay attention and make the effort.
The different leaders for example cam be the different dictators that we have been studying
throughout the classes of sociology and the followers the people mostly the people fighting
for the freedom of their country being in favor of the dictator and exanding their territories.
throughout the classes of sociology and the followers the people mostly the people fighting
for the freedom of their country being in favor of the dictator and exanding their territories.

By Anonymous / Posted on January 24, 2019 / No comments
A leader is characterized for being a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a common goal; through the combination of personality and leadership skills that encourage others to follow his or her direction. While on the other hand, a follower is someone who follows to the lead or commands of another, with a committed, responsible and ethical behavior.
Sadly, modern society tends to convince us that playing the leading role is better than being a follower since leaders are often highly regarded, in addition to being predominantly credited for the success of a team. Nonetheless, they are ignoring the fact that followers are just as important as leaders. Leaders can only exist when there are followers, is not one or the other, these are inseparable concepts. As a leader, they must work for the better of the team, helping it to become stronger, while followers put the plans into action, executing the ideas of the leader. Even though individuals can take on different roles, each with separate obligations, they will all learn and improve, both as a person and as a team, through the process. So don't feel bad if you are a follower, remember that you are equally as important as leaders. At the end of the end of the day, leaders are made, not born.
Here are some tips to be both a good leader and a good follower!
- Be confident: Believe in yourself, no one will trust you unless you do it first.
- Change your mindset: Be brave, don't be afraid to demand. The only thing standing on your way is you.
- Attain knowledge: Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.
- Focus on your goals: Stay focused, ignore your distractions and you will accomplish your goals much faster.
- Communicate effectively: Know your team, hear their voices, eventually, you'll share their dreams. The art of communicating is the language of leadership.
- Be decisive: Recognize what you want, show commitment.
- Never stop improving: Perfect your skills and learn new ones.
- Learn from the past: We all make mistakes, it's how you come back from the mistake, what matters.
Written by: Tiffany Kuo & Anielka Escobar
By Jeayun Lee / Posted on January 24, 2019 / 1 comment
Leadership is one of the skills that everyone can develop as they grow up. One of the places where you can put it into practices is closer than you actually think. For adults, it might be in their office, however for students, it is their second home, their school. No matter where you are, there will always be people taking the roles of leaders. Sometimes seeing their leadership might lower you self-esteem, but instead of thinking like that, you should use them as bases, as inspiritations, to train your own leadership. Do not be the ones that mindlessly follow the leaders, be the type of person that learns from them, that studies what they do, how they do it, be one that grows together with your friends, and then surely, you will be the one that naturally becomes the leader of the group.
By Anonymous / Posted on January 24, 2019 / 1 comment
Leadership at School
Leaders are the most influential in an organization. Leaders are meant to help the followers achieve their goals. Sometimes you cannot do everything on your own. Leaders are there to help you concentrate on what matters. School is a great place to learn how to be a leader. In school student government members are leaders who partake in administrative activities, like coordinating events and serving as a medium in which the students can communicate with the principals in an organized manner, serving as a role model for other students. This helps students to start to waking that sense of responsibility that we must all have. Followers are supposed to take the good of a leader, for example, the critical way of thinking of a leader m should be repeated by the followers. The followers often partake in the division of labor, they are the workforce of the organization. The leader only leads the way, it doesn't do all the work by itself this is why followers are important, as they do the work.
Courtesy of president and vice president of 10th grade. Carlos Tapia, JosĂ© MartĂnez
By Anonymous / Posted on January 24, 2019 / 1 comment

By Anonymous / Posted on January 24, 2019 / 3 comments
Leadership at School
A leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal.
It captures the essentials of being able to inspire others and being prepared to do so, the leader is
the inspiration and director of the action. A good leader shape our nation, communities, and
organizations. We need good leaders to guide us and make essential large-scale decisions.
A good leader need to be confidence, have an ability to inspire, communication, a sense of humor,
creativity, and a positive attitude.
It captures the essentials of being able to inspire others and being prepared to do so, the leader is
the inspiration and director of the action. A good leader shape our nation, communities, and
organizations. We need good leaders to guide us and make essential large-scale decisions.
A good leader need to be confidence, have an ability to inspire, communication, a sense of humor,
creativity, and a positive attitude.
Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things, they make direction, build an
inspiring vision, and create something new. A leader isn’t born with that skill, everyone
can be a leader, it depends if they all have the capacity to do it.
inspiring vision, and create something new. A leader isn’t born with that skill, everyone
can be a leader, it depends if they all have the capacity to do it.
Being a follower isn’t bad, a followership is the ability or willingness to follow a leader.
By following a leader, you can have the opportunity to know how it is to be a leader and
how the work by a leader is done, by this you can learn how to be a leader in a future. So,
if you want to be a good follower and later turn into a good leader, you have to be supportive,
cooperative, pay attention and make the effort.
By following a leader, you can have the opportunity to know how it is to be a leader and
how the work by a leader is done, by this you can learn how to be a leader in a future. So,
if you want to be a good follower and later turn into a good leader, you have to be supportive,
cooperative, pay attention and make the effort.
government, we got the leader who is always trying to do the best, communicate with
his group and motivate us, we also see the followers, who are like the students itselfs
also which we can include somehow the teachers which are influenced by the president
of the student government, which later on they learn from the leader to make the best for
the School.
Suelgui Nathalia lee Garcia
Abraham Josue Rivera Trejos :)
By Anonymous / Posted on January 24, 2019 / 1 comment
How to be a great leader?
Have you ever thought about something you would like to do at school to improve it? Maybe you think it is a great idea, but you´re not sure if everyone else would think the same way.
Well, then you need to improve your leadership skill. First of all, you need to be confident, you need to be sure that what you´re planning to do is for the sake of the whole community. You will have to take into account other´s opinions; you can even make a box or a blog where every student will be able to leave their comments on how to improve the school in order to create an "Action Plan". For example, if you see that your school does not has trees at all, it’s hot, there´s a lot of dust and everyone is concerned about the situation, then as a leader you can launch a project to plant trees around the school where everyone is invited to participate. At the end, you will see that by taking the initiative, many students will be willing to follow and support you. You must remember that you need to do something to cover all of the requests and involve people, respect everyone’s opinions, and teach people to do the same things, be responsible and keep all of your promises.
Good luck!
Now, not only leaders need tips to improve, but also followers need them.
Tips for good followers!
Without followers, there wouldn´t be leaders, so remember that is not bad to be a follower because every person can get his or her opportunity to lead if he/she wants to. If you practice the steps given above, you can even become a great leader with time.
Being a follower doesn´t mean that you´re inferior, because being a follower or a leader is a choice, not a rank. Instead, followers help leaders in becoming great with their constructive feedbacks, ideas and their good work.
You cannot be a leader, and ask other people to follow you, unless you know how to follow, too.
-Sam Rayburn.
Camila SolĂ³rzano & Sara Cantillano.
By Anonymous / Posted on January 24, 2019 / No comments

When you become a leader you will have a moment where you fall but when you fall you will get stronger each time and lead the group stronger. So this is the step to become a leader.
- Be Motivated to achieve higher expectation
- Be a Thinker
- Communicate with your group
- Share your skill to make an upgrade in the team
Followers is not a bad thing is just the lack shown that you don't practice to lead a group but every person at least has 1% of a leader so I want you to try to become a leader in the future so, with this, I want to encourage you to be a Leader.
By Anonymous / Posted on January 24, 2019 / 2 comments
Anyone can be a leader, but not anyone can become a great leader, not everyone has that ¨ specialty¨ and ¨ will¨ to really be a good leader but more a corrupting leader maybe.
To be a good leader, one must be self aware, a solid understanding of oneself while being able to be confident and not only reflect that confidence but also spread that confidence, something important if one wants to truly be an inspiring leader. A good leader must require good communications skills, helping oneself become more charismatic, if your gonna want to be a leader, you want people to want to approach you, be around you, want to help you with what you´ve got to offer for others, and help gain respect while always giving respect back. A good leader should be resourceful, be able to be open to new ideas, consider other people´ suggestions and ideas be collaborative and have your followers involve into your big plans for the community you want to serve and help. A good leader leads by example, one thing are words, another are actions, because actions from your promises speak louder than just words. From leading by example is where the power of teaching and learning comes in, be able to believe in your followers and have them present, not just be bossy leader that just demands, but also gets involve with the followers and does what was promised with the followers. Ofcourse there must always be order and be always honest and true to yourself and the rest to be and prove to be a trusting leader, someone who people can really count on and be brave for others and encourage and help others be brave as well.
Sometimes its alright to be a follower, in fact, by following you learn as well, thats why i think leaders should consider reflect the importance of following each other to help each other grow, by following you learn, and you can learn how to lead as well. Often times people misunderstand the role of being a leader and box its definition to that of a position. Leadership is a choice, all thats really requiered is to know how to be a good example to follow.
Being a good follower is a first step towards the leadership role and even if you try to avoid it. Some tips for being a good follower would be: Be cooperative but collaborative aswell, learn to listen, be loyal and manage trust, do not react before thinking which also applies to being a good leader, be supportive and positive.
Ofcourse any follower deserves a voice and to be heard as much as any leader must have one to lead and be an example. In school anyone can lead and follow, either way learning from eachother, like a vice president or president of a class can learn from their peers to become a better and helpful leader, and those peers can help provide advice and also see with their own eyes the examples and take good examples from their president or vice president of the class, especially if they ever plan on running for president or vice president of the class in the future.
By Anonymous / Posted on January 24, 2019 / 3 comments
Sometimes it is not bad to be a follower. The followers are the majority of the group and without them a group would not exist. They are the ones that move and make big things, the leaders plan everything and give orders. Being the follower of a great leader can help to be a better person and making things in a more efficient way. People should always remember that being a follower is a good thing, it benefits that person and others. In the other hand, being the follower of a bad leader can result as a negative effect to you and others.
In school people could be good leaders in many ways. Some examples are individuals who form part of the student government, leaders of a club, the president and vice president of a grade, etc. It is possible to be a leader in many ways. If you have the characteristics of a leader, then it might be good to form a group about something that calls your attention or maybe something that can help others in school. Remember to always think on the well-being of your followers because thanks to them you can accomplish your goals as a group.
In school people could be good leaders in many ways. Some examples are individuals who form part of the student government, leaders of a club, the president and vice president of a grade, etc. It is possible to be a leader in many ways. If you have the characteristics of a leader, then it might be good to form a group about something that calls your attention or maybe something that can help others in school. Remember to always think on the well-being of your followers because thanks to them you can accomplish your goals as a group.
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