Wednesday, October 16, 2019

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Colegio Notre Dame, Nicaragua

Image result for mechanical bullThe 13 of October 2019, the Notre Dame school hosted it's Kermesse. Which offered different activities such as watching sport games, riding the mechanic bull, eating a variety of food (that ranged from pizza to national delicacies) and other things that where aimed for smaller kids like the trampolines. This was my first kermesses at this school. I had only seen a few things on the internet about the last kermesse this school had hosted, and my classmates don't seem to have enjoyed themselves too much in this one. But despite what everyone thinks, I don't believe it was bad, it was just aimed towards a younger audience. Honestly I just went to do my turn in a my post (video games) and then went out to eat something, but my brother did more things and enjoyed himself more, from what my mom told me. I feel like most games where aimed towards little kids, and that is why adolescents may have felt kind of bored at it like I did.  I could also identify some things that we have been discussing during sociology class. 


One of which I identified was functionalism. There where people in each game and in each post that sold things, to wait for people that where there wanting to buy something. People would also make lines so there was no disorder. People where also required to buy tickets to do any activity. This tickets where also a symbol, because although they don't have any real value by themselves, they represent that the person who is handing them has already payed for whatever it is he wants to buy.


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